October 28, 2009

DEV - Day 8

So, we fought a war. We (a term I mean loosely since I was mostly an observer) killed the #3 fleet on the ladders in 2.5 hours or so. This definitely shows that the magnitude of the fleet HP at the top of the level is not a problem. However, the HP differential between fleets may well be an issue. If they were able to do damage at 170% of our rate, they could have beaten us. Otherwise, they had no chance. This may well indicate a need for changing the way HP is calculated.

It has just occurred to me that perhaps the level of both fleets should be taken into account when determining war points. Perhaps the difference in level can be used to select a maximum differential between fleet HPs rather than giving each fleet an absolute number for HP.

So, after a bit more than a week, what is DEV like? 

Active, involved and enthusiastic, especially if your focus of interest is maximizing your investments (in time and points) and serious game-play. These guys are very focused on being the best at the things that matter to them. In a lot of ways they constitute their own best audience. It's not so much that DEV is inward-focused - they aren't. In fact, they are actively looking for other power-levelers who share their outlook. It's that they play in a way that only other people doing the same things will appreciate. If you're not analyzing large chunks of your own statistical data about the best build against a specific NPC or looking at thousands of points spent in different stations, you're not going to be into the random chit-chat going on here.

In wars, they are all about experience. There's not a whole lot of chatter because they all know what to do.  Some fleets get way more social during wars. This is not one of them. That's no indictment, just an observation.

I've enjoyed talking to the various people in DEV I didn't already know. They're interesting, perspicacious people, if dispassionate with outsiders. They were welcoming to me, though.

Hmm. I think that's about as much as I can say about this unless people have specific questions. (Hint, hint - comments!) Looks like I need a new fleet to get to know.